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The Power of Nonprofit Branding: Building Trust and Connection

The Power of Nonprofit Branding: Building Trust and Connection

Nonprofit branding is the process of creating a unique and recognizable identity for a nonprofit organization. It involves developing a strong brand image, messaging, and visual identity that effectively communicates…
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Expert Woocommerce Design & Development Services

Expert Woocommerce Design & Development Services

Expert Woocommerce Design & Development Services: Creating E-commerce Sites that Drive Results.
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Tips for Non-Profit and Charity Website Design

Tips for Non-Profit and Charity Website Design

Did you know that there are over 1.5 million registered nonprofit organizations in the United States?  If you own a nonprofit or charity company, it’s essential to have a robust marketing…
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Predictions for 2018: Trends in Web Branding

Predictions for 2018: Trends in Web Branding

Many people think a brand is just a logo or a company name. While this statement isn’t wrong, it only scratches the surface of what a brand is.  A brand includes…
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Things You Never Knew About How Consumer Perception Influences Buying Decisions

Things You Never Knew About How Consumer Perception Influences Buying Decisions

When you’re running a business, the way potential customers perceive you should always be at the top of your mind.  Consumer perception is affected by everything you do. What makes customers…
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10 Brand Development Strategies for Any Business

10 Brand Development Strategies for Any Business

Developing your brand is a continuous journey of interacting, learning, and growing relationships with your customers.  A formal definition of brand development is “the process of improving a brand or improving customers’…
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